So you’ve begun the postpartum journey? Firstly, congratulations mumma, you’re amazing! Navigating the postpartum period and postpartum diet and nutrition requirements can feel a little overwhelming, especially when you have a newborn to look after right? The good news is, the postpartum diet and foods that help recovery can be both nutritious and delicious; because you can look after yourself and yet also treat yo’self after that rollercoaster of a journey during pregnancy. This handy little guide to postpartum diet and postpartum recovery with nutrition will help you feel far more confident with the knowledge and tips you need to get you and bubba thriving through the postpartum period.
Why is postpartum nutrition important?
During any recovery period, it’s important to feed your body the right nutrients to support your body’s ability to heal and recover, the same goes for the postpartum recovery period. It’s important to remember that nutrition and a healthy balanced diet help your body in the recovery process. If you are postpartum breastfeeding too, this requires even more energy and nutrients such as protein, calcium (super duper important), iodine, vitamin B12 and vitamin D, which are important in supporting your bubba's growth and wellbeing through healthy milk production.
The postpartum period can be extra draining, hello dream feeds and broken sleep, so a balanced postpartum diet and nutritional foods will be your best friend in supporting energy (can we get an amen for that one), sustenance, immunity, vitamins and minerals needed to feel your best. Here are our top 5 pillars for a balanced and nutrition-filled postpartum diet.
Best foods for postpartum recovery
1. Healthy fats
Healthy fats that are beneficial during the postpartum period include avocado, oily fish, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, nuts and seeds. Healthy fats help in keeping your body fueled for energy. As well as being famous for keeping you fuller for longer, they also provide anti-inflammatory properties - foods with these properties are essential for healing and recovery, which goes for postpartum recovery and healing too.
2. Protein
Protein is an essential part of a postpartum diet. Lean meats like chicken, salmon and eggs are great (bonus; salmon and eggs contain good fats too). Protein is a building block that not only produces fuel and energy for the body, but supports the rebuilding process for your organs and tissues, as well as producing a nutrient-rich milk supply.
Legumes like chickpeas and black beans are also a great source of protein, folate, fibre and iron. They are also great to keep the bowels moving and avoid constipation.
Thriving Protein is a great option to get that extra protein intake needed and super duper easy for the busiest of mummas. Thriving Protein is a deliciously creamy, plant-based, nourishing protein blend with 17 vitamins & minerals from pure wholefoods to help every member of the family thrive and is pregnancy and postpartum-friendly.
3. Wholegrains
Wholegrains haven’t been processed (processed grains are things like cereals and white bread), meaning nutrients aren’t lost that can be from processing. Good sources of wholegrains include rice, millet, quinoa and oats. Wholegrains also contain B vitamins, folate and iron which also support healthy digestion and promote healthy immune function.
Eating wholegrain carbohydrates also feeds your body fuel to keep you going, as well as fuel to create breast milk as this requires more carbohydrates than normal.
4. Wholefoods
Wholefoods that are cooked and warmed are especially beneficial during the postpartum period as they are much more gentle on the digestive system. Adding root vegetables and leafy greens as a base for meals will be both nourishing and soothing in the postpartum period of healing. Other beneficial fruits for nutrition and digestion in the postpartum period include berries, mangoes, melon varieties, apples, papaya and bananas.
Making sure you are getting enough nutrition can feel a little tricky, so try adding in a wholefood daily multivitamin like Super Greens + Reds. Super Greens + Reds has no synthetics so it’s safe (both pre and postnatal) and bioavailable, meaning your body can actually use the 23 nourishing greens & reds to support immunity, gut wellbeing, energy, acid-alkaline balance and antioxidant protection.
5. Collagen
During pregnancy and the postpartum period, many women suffer hair thinning and hair loss. Taking a daily supplement of collagen supports muscle recovery, bones, joints and encourages wound healing. As well as supporting healthy hair, skin, nails and gut. Nutra Organics Collagen Beauty also contains silica, zinc and the daily RDI of vitamin C, which further support collagen formation.
Amongst our thousands of reviews for Collagen Beauty are tonnes of reviews specifically related to the help it gave women during the postpartum period.
“My hair needed a supplement to help bring it back after becoming thin and continually falling out after having a baby and frequently breastfeeding.” - Carly.
You can read more reviews like this one on the product pages.
You can also find collagen, zinc and B vitamins in our naturally nourishing Chicken Bone Broths & Beef Bone Broths, which are warming, delicious and nutritious and easy to add to warm foods like soups, stews, gravies or on its own with hot water. The best thing about taking your daily collagen or broth is that it encourages drinking extra water, which is super important when it comes to creating breastmilk. When you're breastfeeding you lose water as it is used for breastmilk - so you need to drink at least 3 litres a day.
Keeping these postpartum nutritional recommendations in mind, as well as some other key elements like ensuring as much sleep as possible, drinking enough water and cutting back on foods that cause inflammation, will ensure you are supporting your body in the postpartum recovery period. Most importantly, remember you’re doing the best you can and don’t put too much pressure on yourself, you just went through a huge life-changing 9 months of growing a baby and birthing a little one. Recovery can take little baby steps at a time (pun intended) and that’s okay!
~This blog is for informational purposes only, regardless of the advice of holistic health practitioners. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. Please obtain medical advice relevant to your particular circumstances from your health professional.